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“What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.

Oprah Winfrey


Dra. García is a visionary on a mission to revolutionize leadership with healing. With a PhD in organizational psychology + a decade of DEIB leadership consulting within Fortune 500, Dr. García uses her expertise and passions to facilitate positive changes in individuals and organizations. As the first generation PhD in her Dominican-American immigrant family, Dr. García embodies resilience and ancestral pride. Drawing on her vibrant cultural herstories and holistic self-healing transformations, she's disrupting outdated leadership paradigms through her pioneering approach: Queen Mindset Leadership. Created for leading authentically with empowered identities, this philosophy centers holistic inner healing and wellness as a conduit for social justice. 

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For podcast collaboration or media inquiries, please complete the form below or email us at [email protected]. We look forward to connecting with you!



See below for a list of previous speaking engagements. I partner with inclusive and DEIB-focused community organizations, corporations, non-profits, and individuals. I can deliver in both English and Spanish, virtually, in person, nationally, and internationally. Book a consultation to inquire about a facilitation or speaking engagement with your organization!

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How to Embed Passion into Your Everyday Life

Have you felt you are going through the motions in your career or life and are just waiting for the weekend? Is life feeling just okay but you are looking to feel more alive by finding joy and excitement?

Join Dr. CarolLaine García, speaker, author, and coach to learn how to find your passion through her Queen Leadership Mindset. So instead of counting down the days, you can start looking forward to them!

Cómo incorporar pasión en tu día a día

¿Ha sentido que está siguiendo los pasos de su carrera o de su vida y simplemente está esperando el fin de semana? ¿La vida te parece bien pero buscas sentirte más vivo encontrando alegría y emoción?

Únase a la Dra. CarolLaine García, oradora, autora y coach para aprender cómo encontrar su pasión a través de su Queen Leadership Mindset. Entonces, en lugar de contar los días, ¡puedes empezar a esperarlos con ansias!

Finding Your Inner Champion to Create Success

In collaboration with a Fitness Community geared towards Latines, Dr. CarolLaine M Garcia led a group life coaching facilitation. In her talk, Dr. Garcia facilitated an exploration of some of the biggest challenges we face that keep us from realizing our visions. Starting with an understanding of our core values and the historical and personal beliefs, Dr. G led the fitness-minded crowd through an inner journey. One where identity, strengths, and mindset intersect in our leadership: Queen Mindset Leadership.

Joy: The Journey of Embracing Your Authentic Self

Join us for a powerful session where we'll explore how embracing all your identities and living authentically can enhance your feelings of joy and peace. Discover practical strategies for learning how to uncover and accept who you really are and build a life in alignment and rich in abundance. In her talk, Dr. García will also share how she's used these strategies to accept, adore, and elevate her multiple identities as an Afro-Latina immigrant woman to build a brand based on authentic leadership and wellness.

Fireside Chat on Storytelling & Leadership

Join us to hear from Joy and Mindset Expert and coach CarolLaine M García, Ph.D. in our upcoming Fireside Chat! Dr. García will be facilitating the topic of knowing your story, values, and vision, and how that accelerates your results as a leader. Using an interactive approach, she will be talking to participants about seeing their own personal challenges as character development opportunities. And how to use their voice to be the change they wish to see.

Caring for Ourselves, Empowering Our Communities

Nine practices for realizing your leadership potential. At the 2023 Volunteer Leadership Summit, the PEAK community was inspired by the wisdom of CarolLaine M. García, PhD, a Holistic Leadership Coach, Writer, and Speaker who spent the pandemic years reinventing her mindset and reorienting her life’s purpose. Her three-year journey of self-transformation, following an unexpected exit from the corporate world, was backed by her graduate studies on mentorship and what she gained while reading 260 books covering spirituality, biology, physics, trauma, “and just everything, because I wanted to understand: How did we get here as humans?”

Unleashing Your Inner Queenpreneur

Ladies, are you ready to embark on a journey of growth and abundance as entrepreneurs? As women paving our way in the business world, it's crucial to tap into our inherent power and cultivate a mindset that will propel us to new heights while having fun along the journey. In this empowering presentation, Dr. García will explore how creating a growth and abundance mindset can expand who you are and what you think is possible for your life and business. Join us to understand practical knowledge and tips on how you get out of your way, own your inner QUEENpreneur, and step into your rightful place as a trailblazer in your life and business.

Latina Boss Edition: Vision Boarding

Reinas... We are happy to invite you and your chicas for our Vision Board Workshop. We are having the lovely Dr. CarolLaine M Garcia lead and guide us through our workshop with a presentation. In her discussion, she will be guiding us to think not only about our careers and goals, but also our personal selves. What to look for in the community we build, and how to take care of ourselves along the way. You will leave feeling reinvigorated about what your life can look in 2024 and beyond!

Becoming the Queen of Your Life's Story

We're so excited to have this amazing session with Dr. CarolLaine García. Learn how to tap into your personal story to find the essence of your power. Our sessions are interactive and a combination of networking and workshopping. We look forward to seeing you! About the Speaker: As the first and only female PhD in her Dominican-American family, Dr. García uses her vibrant cultural herstories and healing experiences as a multi-identity, multi-passionate, and non-traditional woman to uproot the status quo on what it means to live with inner connection and empowered self. Her mission is to amplify the stories of BIPOC leaders so they can lead with heart and purpose in their personal lives, career, and community.

Showing Up with Purpose: Expressing All Parts of Your Authentic Self

Welcome to our Keynote Speaker, Dr. García, an expert in intersectionality and exploring the need for self-love in leadership for women existing with complex identities and experiences. As a childfree woman herself, Dr. G will be highlighting the ways that she's transmuted her personal experiences into purposeful leadership of her life and business. Through engaging visuals and examples, Dr. G will be encouraging our group to love ourselves into our potential.

Say Yes to Your Why: To Live Your Fullest Life

As women, we struggle with balancing all the demands that come with our roles. When self-care becomes just another to-do list instead of an enjoyable experience, we need to stop and ask ourselves why? This short and powerful question is the foundation of Dr. CarolLaine M García's talk on what it means to live a life of purpose. Using her own experiences searching for self-actualization as well as her expertise in human behavior and leadership, Dr. García will guide us through an interactive conversation on visualizing and manifesting a life that makes space for your full authentic self and desired contribution. 

Embodying Visionary Leadership: The Key to Ending Burnout

In a world where burnout has become an epidemic among us all, it's time to delve into al alternate way of reimagining power of visionary leadership. In order to realize a future where leaders are not just thriving, but radiating with vitality, purpose, and impact, we must first visualize it. This is the essence of embodying visionary leadership – creating new realities that include holistic wellness and profound fulfillment for ourselves and those we lead. This forward-thinking approach is the cornerstone of the Queen Mindset Leadership philosophy to living, leading, and loving in community.


Podcast episodes to listen to...

Hola, I'm 

Dr. CarolLaine M García

Holistic Executive Coach, Chakras Healer, Keynote Speaker, Poetry Writer

Founder of Dr. García Brands

A holistic healing & inclusive leadership development firm centering women of color leaders, creatives, and allies


This is my Story

Growing up as a multi-identity Dominican immigrant in the US, I grew up having so much beef with who I was and what life had been. Even as I progressed in my education and career, I struggled to accept who I was and what I'd lived through. In the quietude of the pandemic, I harnessed my angst at the world and decided to heal my wounds with life. Four years and a deeply transformative experience later, I broke free from self-loathing and found the courage to leap into a life of deep meaning, wellness, and empowered femininity. 

Now I’ve turned my self-love transformation into a new paradigm of being that centers leading with an empowered sense of self, centering human creativity and community thriving. Welcome to Queen Mindset Leadership.

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